The walk up


Our first sight of battlement windows in the thick wall of the building.


Now here are window sills that I like!

One surface, sloping, so easy to dust or wet-wipe clean.


Here we are looking at the 'ceiling' as we climb up the spiral staircase

And the ceiling was the actual underside of the very steps that we would be climbing later on.

In case you're trying to figure out this photo (it throws me a bit too), we were climbing up towards that smoothed part, always going anti-clockwise around the rough central column which forms the major part of the photo.


I am on one of the lowest roofs, still a good distance below the angels and saints.

How did they set those statues atop those pinnacles? way back then, when they did not have tower cranes?

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Here's my lovely wife finally coming out into the light drizzle. She's groping for our plastic brollies.

I was at the top of this little section of roof, sheltered under a slight overhang out of the drizzle, to take these photos.

The fall of the roof incline was very small, almost imperceptible, but you can see it very clearly if you click on the photo to enlarge it and look at the right hand side where the roof and wall meets.

Another very sginificant and pleasant discovery ! The surface of the marble was not the least bit slippery! which made for a very comfortable and comforting walk on the roof.

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Way up was through that archway on the left.

I stood up for this shot to include the street scene at ground level.

Ah, the gargoyles!

Working gargoyle gutters no less!

Beautiful ones at that.

You need to click on the photo to enlarge it to see the water coming out of the gargoyle's mouth.


Here's another beauty.

Much of our time was spent simply standing and admiring the intricate carvings, like these.

And this, is a temporary solution with a section of pvc pipe.

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